3-2-1 No Oil Salad Dressing is so easy and tasty, you will never buy a bottle of dressing again. It seems like I share this recipe with someone at least once a week. I learned it from Jane Esselstyn. She created it for the Forks Over Knives Cookbook. The video below demonstrates how easy it is…and by the way, it’s the first video I have ever created. I’ve been taking classes at the community college to learn Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop and Video Production. Farm footage was shot at Lola’s Local Market in Melissa, Texas. Allow this dressing to stand alone with only the three ingredients or add additional flavors listed below in the recipe.
The Ingredients List
3 tablespoons Balsamic Vinegar, any brand will work, but a thicker consistency will coat the greens better.
2 tablespoons Mustard, any kind. I alternate between Dijon and Yellow depending upon what I have on-hand.
1 tablespoon Honey or Maple syrup.
The Preparation Method
Place it all in a bowl or jar and whisk or shake well. I use a one cup Ball Jar.
NOTES: Use this as a base dressing. You may add additional flavors by muddling fresh strawberries or blueberries, adding orange juice and orange zest, miso, peanut butter, almond butter or anything else you may like.
About Forks Over Knives
FOK was created from the research of Dr. T. Colin Campbell’s The China Study and Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn’s research as a Cleveland Clinic cardiologist. What emerged from this collaboration is the work of Forks Over Knives, which presents a compelling case that heart disease, diabetes, and strokes need not exist. You can gain complete control of your health from what you choose to put on the end of your fork. The title, Forks Over Knives, represents making the choice between what you eat (the Fork) and the doctor’s scalpel (Knife).
If you have never seen the documentary, Forks Over Knives, here’s the link.
Mac and I met the family, attended their lectures and recipe demonstration at two events, one in Austin, and another on the beautiful Esselstyn family farm in Upstate New York (photo below).
Photo of the famous red house on the family farm. It’s featured in the documentary, Forks Over Knives. Here’s me with Dr. Esselstyn (taken with a sunny glare on the lens) and Dr. Esselstyn’s daughter, Jane.
Melissa McGarity says
Love the video! I’ve made something similar before but I didn’t use honey!! I’ll do that, it sounds delish!
Phebe Phillips says
Hi there Miss M.,
Thanks for the comment. You can mix that dressing up anyway you like. ~~Phebe
Howard says
What a terrific idea! Going to try it tomorow night. We’ve been dripping balsamico on green salads forever, but your additions sound so much better.
Phebe Phillips says
Hi Howard,
I think with your creativity you can make this recipe delicious!