Do you say, Goodbye Mr. Spock or Goodbye Mr. Icon? Last month, in search of something to watch in the evening, Mac and I discovered, on Netflix, the Star Trek pilot episode The Cage, 1964; plus the original 79 episodes, 1966-1969. Too young to watch it originally, we are now really getting into the story lines, and Mr. Spock has become a character we quote. It is sad to say Goodbye, Mr. Spock. Many do not know, Leonard Nimoy declined a role in the popular drama, Peyton Place to give the world this unforgettable, iconic, character with his Mr. Spock portrayal.

Spock’s Vulcan salute became a recognized symbol of the show and was identified with him. Nimoy created the sign himself from his childhood memories of the way kohanim (Jewish priests) hold their hand when giving blessings. During an interview, he translated the priestly blessing from Numbers 6:24-26 which accompanies the hand-sign and described it during a public lecture: May the Lord bless and keep you and may the Lord cause his countenance to shine upon you. May the Lord be gracious unto you and grant you peace. The accompanying spoken blessing, “Live long and prosper.”
Mr. Spock, wherever your soul is, may you “Live long and prosper”…and Yes, I am a Trekkie!
I’ve been saying “Live long and Prosper” ever since I started watching all the original Star Treks while growing up….
I love that quote and say it daily …..
Me too, Doug!!!!