Bananas! I never really liked them. When I was a child, I had a terrible time learning to swallow a capsule. To avoid this drama, my parents would break my medicine capsule open, and fold the contents into a banana. I loved the banana, until I hit the pocket with the bitter medicine in it. Peanut butter was often an alternate carrier.
Finally, my father went to the town pharmacy for empty capsules. I can still remember sitting at the kitchen table with my dad, a pitcher of water and a saucer of empty capsules, learning to swallow them. Ick! Over the years, I began to like bananas, and peanut butter again.
I have been a vegetarian for about six years now. In the path to find trusted information about food and nutrition, I have learned a lot from the Engine 2 Diet, and Forks Over Knives food plan from Dr. T. Collin Campbell, and Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn. Mac and I have attended two seminars with both doctors to learn new information, and the recipes they use with their own families. Last August, we were on the Esselstyn Farm in upstate New York. Dr. Esselstyn’s daughter, Jane, showed us how to make banana water oatmeal. It is so simple with the natural sweetness of the banana. You will never have to add sugar to your oatmeal again.
The Ingredient List
1 very ripe banana…brown spots welcome! Ripe bananas have a higher sugar content. One banana for one or two people.
Oatmeal: Any amount you like to make for yourself, or family.
Water required on the directions of the oatmeal.
Any healthy toppings: cinnamon, dried cherries, nuts, apple slices, raisins, etc.
We do not use dairy. Any nut milk, such as almond milk or rice milk would be tasty.
Sea salt to taste. Omit if blood pressure is an issue.
The Preparation Method
In a blender, place the peeled, chopped, ripe banana. Add the required water, as listed for oatmeal. Pay attention to the water-to-oats ratio for the specific oats you bought. Steel-cut oats, rolled oats, and quick cooking oats all have different water-to-oat ratios. Now, with that said, carry on…work the blender to high speed, blend the banana, and water, to a full emulsion creating banana water. If foam appears on top, scoop it off. Pour the water into the saucepan, and cook oatmeal according to directions…which usually read; bring to a boil, turn down heat to a low simmer and cover till done. Nothing has changed from the many previous batches of oatmeal you have always made, except you have just created banana water to cook with. When done, add toppings and enjoy. You should not need to add sugar.
This is a recipe designed by the Esselstyn Family to eliminate added calories from processed sugar. It’s also a great use for those aging bananas!
For readers touched by type-2 diabetes, or heart disease, please check out the work of Dr(s) T. Colin Campbell, Ph.D., and Caldwell Esselstyn, M.D. in their books, documentaries or websites; The China Study, Engine 2 Diet and Forks Over Knives.
Phebe, I am going to love this recipe! Will try it tomorrow!
Hi Laurie,
You will like it. When Jane Esselstyn showed it to the group, I couldn’t believe how simple it is to make. It was the first recipe we tried when we got home. Now, we make it probably once a week. Make sure the banana is really ripe…that’s the trick! ~~Phebe
This recipe will definitely make the oatmeal more exciting. Just waiting for my bananas to age so I can try it!
Hi Suzy,
Yep, that’s the trick…older bananas!
Can’t wait to give this recipe to my sister. She always let her bananas get really ripe!! I like that it will already have the banana flavor.
Hi Beverly,
I’m happy you like it. Yes, please share this blog post with those you think will enjoy it. ~~Phebe