Sometimes in the search for the latest, greatest books to read, we forget that books from the past carry messages relevant today. With Valentine’s Day drawing near, it seems only natural to reintroduce you to Leo Buscaglia, Ph.D., who was a popular force for love in the late 70’s and 80’s. Leo Buscaglia, a name […]
Pie Crust Cookies
Pie crust dough is great to have on hand. It is a good way to get the feel of a cookie without the sugar in most cookie recipes. The Ingredient List Makes two nine inch pie crusts, or about 22 maple leaf cookies, using a 2 inch cutter. 2 cups all purpose flour 1 […]
Miso Love
I am always in Miso Love, but it’s almost winter, so I am really in Miso Love. It wasn’t until I visited, and later worked at The Tree of Life Center in Patagonia, Arizona that I realized what true, artisan, miso was. My only association was some watered down creation, ordered at a Chinese restaurant. […]
Road Trip 2015 The Sunset of Summer
The air is cooler, and the sunset of summer is daily fading. Before early darkness arrives with the time change, I want to take a few moments to share our summer road trip with you. For those that don’t know us, at least once a year we take off, point the car in a direction…maybe […]