Do you have a home meditation space, a quiet space that is just your own? I’ve had my own space for almost twenty years, and it’s the greatest place in the house to start and / or end the day. Recently, I was honored that Redfin, the National Real Estate Company, selected me to participate in their blog post offering tips for creating a personal home space. They chose 25 people, and there are some terrific tips offered. Tap on the link below for ideas you can incorporate.
Here’s a link to the Redfin post. I’m #23 in the tips offered. Thanks, Emily!
A Few Tips
- Find a quiet corner or favorite wall.
- A stream of sunlight is always a plus.
- Surround your space with a few meaningful things. I have crystals, stones collected from California beach visits, mysterious feathers that appeared on the 11th floor of my former high rise terrace, and many other items that bring peace to my mind.
- I have a stack of yoga blankets and yoga bricks from Yoga Accessories…and also my yoga mat.
- A salt lamp stays on 24/7 for soft lighting.
- As a music suggestion, I like 528 Hz frequencies from Nature Healing Society on You Tube. Some people prefer the 432 Hz. It’s a personal choice. To learn more about this type of sound visit Solfeggio Frequencies.
- Do you know how to Sage your space? For years, every Monday morning I have smudged our house. I go around the doors, windows, and corners with the smoke of Sage. I repeat, “Nothing negative can be in this space. If anything negative comes in, it feels squeezed, and can’t stay.” Yep, every Monday! Here’s a nice post from Kristin Hickey, contributor to MindBodyGreen on how to smudge.
About the Feathers
In the top photo, you will see two feathers in a frame. Years ago I was in a perplexing place in life. One day during my morning meditation I broke down in tears, exclaiming to my spiritual guides that I felt hopeless, invisible, voiceless, and useless to the world. I woke the next morning, and as I pulled the blinds open I noticed these two big black feathers woven tightly inside the branches of a Japanese Maple Tree we had in a container pot. You see, at the time we lived on the 11th floor of a high rise, and if you zoom close to the photo, you will also notice there’s not a bird flying around Dallas, Texas with those kinds of feathers!
Well, I melted again. I phoned a Shaman woman I had worked with for years, and become friends with. In so many words, she told me exactly what this article below writes about black feathers. As you can see, I framed them, and the story and date is written on the back of the frame.
What Does a Black Feather Mean?
Here’s a link to the full article.
The meaning of a black and white feather is similar even though they’re on the opposite ends of the color spectrum.
Although it may seem ominous, black feathers are nothing to be afraid of; in fact, if you see a black feather about, it’s a symbol that your angel is in defense mode. Your angel is busy keeping away evil, negativity, and all the forces that want to stop you. Your angel is keeping all of that at bay while you work hard to do good and elevate yourself.
You may feel alone or hopeless against your dire situation. The discovery of a black feather in the house or on the ground suggests you’re not alone. An angel watches over you, encouraging you to move forward — to hold on. In some cases, the feather could be a symbol that a lost loved one is still looking in on you, offering you protection to help you stay strong.
But the meaning of black feathers isn’t limited to angelic or spiritual protection.
It’s also a symbol of arcane knowledge. Black feathers have long been associated with wisdom. Seeing a black feather can mean that your angel is gifting you with magical knowledge and wisdom beyond this world, and that you must remain open to new information and insights that will come your way.
My Meditation Space Today
The tips above are some great places to start.
Below are two past posts regarding meditation, and my former space when I lived in the high rise.
- An Easy Calming Breath Meditation Anyone Can Learn
- How To Begin Meditation, and My Home Meditation Space (from a previous home)
The Literary Catcast Podcast
I also create The Literary Catcast Podcast—dedicated to the preservation of vintage books with cats as main characters, bringing their awareness into the modern form of a podcast.
You can now subscribe and receive each episode without ever using a podcast app. Each episode will come directly to your email just as this blog post.
Head over to the website The Literary Catcast. Look for the subscribe box, and enter your email address. If you’re on a desk or laptop the box is on the right. If you’re on your phone, it’s at the bottom of the scroll. The photo below is only a photo to show you what to look for, and not the actual subscribe box.
“A dog will protect from something physical in the present, but a cat protects on an invisible, spiritual level before the physical can begins manifestation.”
Phebe Phillips
Face Masks
As we begin to move past face masks, please remember to cut the ear straps before throwing them away. Masks have added as much damage to the environment as plastic bottles. Here’s a short statement from GreenPeace
For now, Phebe Phillips lives in Dallas, Texas. She will be moving deep into the East Texas pines in 2022.
Marie says
Hi! I discovered your blog by way of your Twitter account. Thanks for the great post! I recently did a similar blog post on creating a sacred space. So cool you’ve been at for 20 years. I set up my meditation space during the pandemic for some peace and self-love.
I love the story of your black feathers. I also think my guides communicate in mysterious ways, and often find white feathers around the house. Great recommendation about the solfeggio frequencies… I didn’t include that tip in my post. I like the 432 Hz for sleeping and 528 Hz for meditation.
I can’t wait to read more of your posts. Good luck on your projects!
Phebe Phillips says
Hi Soul-Sister Marie,
What a special comment. I am so happy you found me on Twitter. Yes…White Feathers! Our guides enjoy communication with those who know they’re there. I truly believe that.
With friendship,