If a friend had information that could benefit you, and they didn’t tell you, wouldn’t you be a bit miffed. Well, here’s my information, tested daily by Mac and myself, for several years, in all conditions. Apple Cider Vinegar for Deodorant is the only thing I use. As I became conscious of the many chemicals bombarding us in our skin care products, I started paying attention to deodorants and antiperspirants. Boy, did I learn a lot. For those who don’t want to read more, the information is that Bragg Brand Raw Organic Unfiltered Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV) makes the best deodorant. As a reader suggested (in the comment section below) as a reminder; it must be an ACV that is Organic Raw and Unfiltered to work properly.
In the photo, you will see I keep mine in a Fido jar. You may use it directly from the bottle if you like. Here’s the method: Use the ACV straight, without diluting. Dip a flat cosmetic pad (cotton balls soak up too much) in the jar, saturate the pad, wring it out a bit, and swipe it under your arms. You will smell like pickles, or a dinner salad, for maybe five minutes, but once it dries, the smell is gone, and since this, in my opinion, is the number one healthiest option, isn’t temporarily smelling like a dinner salad a better option than the pain and illness that those unnecessary chemicals can possibly bring into your life? On days when I am going to be super busy or going to yoga, I carry an extra pre-soaked pad in a baggie, and re-swipe the underarms after a workout. The enzymes in the ACV will digest any odor causing bacteria resulting from a hot workout.
According to an article on the website of Dr. Joe Mercola, less than 10% of all breast cancer cases are thought to be related to genetic risk factors. The remainder, 90%, appear to be triggered by environmental factors. Using ACV creates one option to help avoid toxins. A study measured the aluminum content of breast tissue from 17 breast cancer patients and found that the aluminum levels were higher in the upper, outer regions of the breast, in close proximity to where antiperspirant would be applied. The research link is at the bottom of this page.
Two other things to do with the ACV soaked cotton pad after swiping the under the arms; 1) Wipe down the toilet flush handle. 2) I keep baking soda in a pizza seasoning shaker…I shake a bit in the lavatory, then wipe it down with the pad. A simple way to get multiple uses from one pad. Now for those of you that want to read more, and see the research links…carry on…I have posted them at the end of this post
Read On…My Path to ACV
I follow the work of the late Dr. Max Gerson. His daughter Charlotte, ran the Gerson Institute, until her death at almost 100-years. The Gerson Institute is a non-profit organization located in San Diego, California, dedicated to providing education and training in the Gerson Therapy. This therapy is an alternative, non-toxic treatment for cancer and other chronic degenerative diseases. I learned they recommended their cancer patients use Bragg Brand ACV as deodorant, so Mac and I tried it. We have used it daily, for several years; through Texas summers, daily barre classes, bike rides, and many hot yoga classes later, I am here with the news report that it works. For my girlfriends out there, if you swipe a pad around your chest, your bra, and yoga bra won’t get wonky in the summer heat.
I never gave deodorants a thought. Anything within grabbing range was my choice. I had always heard about aluminum and breast tissue and Alzheimer’s, but that couldn’t possibly concern me…besides, there wouldn’t be aisles of this stuff if it were really bad for you, right?!? Well, not true. As I began to wake up and wise up, I switched to salt crystals. About two years ago, I noticed a change in the wording of ingredients. It changed from Alum Salts to Mineral Salts…hummmm. Not to be in the dark, I started a search, and called companies to ask questions…even a chemistry professor. My journalism degree taught me how to dig for bones, and I love it. Keep in mind, a lot of information on this topic is controversial, and a large portion masked by lobby groups and special interests. Mainly this is about you, information and what you choose to do with the information. While your deodorant choice is not the complete answer to health, it is a piece of the puzzle.
What’s in a Name
Chemical names, alum salts and mineral salts are a tricky bunch. Aluminum is present most often in antiperspirants in the form of aluminum chlorohydrate, aluminum zirconium, aluminum hydroxybromide and aluminum chloride. Aluminum chlorohydrate is not the same as the compound aluminum chloride, which has been established as a neurotoxin. At high doses, aluminum itself adversely affects the blood-brain barrier, is capable of causing DNA damage, and has adverse epigenetic effects. High doses of aluminum have detrimental effects to a number of species such as non-human primates, mice, rabbits and dogs.
Listed on the label of most natural deodorants is alum salt, a name for potassium alum (this is a common additive to baking powder to provide a second leavening phase at high temps) and ammonium alum. I buy baking powder that does not contain aluminum. It is believed that alum salt is made up of molecules that are too large to be absorbed by your skin, and these molecules form a protective layer on your skin to inhibit odor causing bacteria growth. At this time, research has been unable to provide solid evidence that alum salt is not leaching into skin tissue, and it is often linked with dermatitis. (Fact Link).
Health conscious consumers are beginning to question alum salt, so mineral salt has become the new marketing word to mask alum salt…don’t be fooled, it’s a cover word.
Did You Know
In the United States, the Food and Drug Administration classifies and regulates most deodorants as cosmetics, but classifies antiperspirants as over-the-counter drugs, and deodorants combined with antiperspirant agents are classified as drugs. (Fact Link). An average over-the-counter antiperspirant might have an active-ingredient concentration of anywhere from 10 to 25 percent. The FDA requires that over-the-counter antiperspirants contain no more than 15 to 25 percent of the active ingredient. The FDA also requires that all antiperspirants must decrease the average person’s sweat by at least 20 percent.
Why Bragg Brand Specifically, and What is Organic Raw Unfiltered Apple Cider Vinegar
Founded by Paul C. Bragg, N.D., Ph.D., Bragg brand ACV is the oldest, most popular brand on the market. Organic Raw Unfiltered ACV is different from refined and distilled vinegars. When the organically grown apples are crushed and allowed to mature in tanks, the natural fermentation process begins. This creates what is known as the “mother”. This “mother” is a visible, rich, brownish web formed from molecules of protein connected in strand-like chains. Visible in the bottom of the bottle, this is the healthiest part, and what gives Bragg ACV its powerful qualities. The raw, unfiltered organic, un-pasteurization process creates a naturally occurring antibiotic and antiseptic that digests the bacteria created under your arm, leaving you odor-free! (Raw is defined as processed under 118 degrees)
- No-aluminum based compounds
- No chemical compounds to react with estrogen
- No deceptive wording
- No parabens
- Inexpensive
- Consistent product integrity
- Simple
- Many other uses: For years, Mac and I have added it daily in our filtered water. Using a ratio of 1 tsp ACV to 8 oz filtered water, we each drink about a quart a day = 4 tsp / qt.
The Research
1. A study measured the aluminum content of breast tissue from 17 breast cancer patients and found that the aluminum levels were higher in the upper, outer regions of the breast, in close proximity to where antiperspirant would be applied. (Story Link)
2. PubMed: Aluminum, antiperspirants and breast cancer. (Story Link)
3. The People’s Pharmacy: Are Natural Alum Crystal Deodorants Safe? (Story Link)
4. Bragg Website: (Link)
5. The book by The Bragg Family titled: Apple Cider Vinegar is loaded with health tips and ideas for many ways to incorporate Raw Organic Unfiltered ACV into your life. (Amazon Link)
Phebe does not work for, nor represent, Bragg Brands or any of the links mentioned in this post. This information is passed to you in a “friend telling a friend” format, and not intended as medical advice. ACV is a product she has used daily for many, many years. She blogs here at: www.phebephillips.com. You may learn more about her on her personal website: www.phebephillips.com.
Ok…I’ve tried this for two days and it really works! Years ago I tried baking soda and developed painful nodules under my arms (I know, gross, right?) so I just returned to standard deodorant. This really does work (tested in 109 desert temps!). Thank you, Phebe! And, yes, Braggs is the best.
Hi Rebecca,
I’m so glad you like it. For some people, baking soda can cause problems because of the extreme alkalinity. I know it works in the desert, from my days at The Tree in Patagonia, AZ.
I bought some today and am going to try it!!
Hi Melissa,
I know you will like it. I also put it in my water daily using a ratio of 1 or 1 1/2 tsp to 8 oz water. Basically, I put about 2 TBSP in a qt of water. ~~Phebe
Coming from a woman who sweats like a football player… This stuff works!!
Great for pets too!
Hi Shanda,
I am so happy you are using it. It does work! ACV also makes a great rinse for pooches, or horses. It leaves them soft, shiny, and helps with skin irritants. How much do you use for Chevy the horse?
Hi Phebe.
I mostly give it to him internally. He gets 1/2 cup in am and 1/2 cup in pm in his bowl of alfalfa and Timothy hay. He loves it! It helps with his gut and balancing the ph just like us. When I rinse him, I wet him down and then sponge about half a bottle on him. He dries quickly in the sun and is very sparkly until he rolls in the sand.
It also makes for great hoof care and fly spray with essential oils added to the mixture.
Thanks so much for sharing. My readers with horses, dogs and cats will like having this information as a resource.
An update. I’ve found that this works great for odor, but perspiration still bothers me. I’m experimenting with corn starch. So far, so good!
about a minute ago · Like
Hi Rebecca,
Yes, ACV is not an antiperspirant, it is only a deodorant. Keep posting on how the cornstarch works out. I am so happy you are giving this a go!
I just saw you on Good Morning Texas!!! Came here looking for your smoothie recipes and found this. I just started using ACV and a MIY (Make It Yourself) deodorant. I too perspire like a linebacker and up until 7 days ago smelled like the locker room too. After using ACV to wipe down my pits morning and night and of course after showering, and then patting on a combo of coconut oil, cornstarch, baking soda and essential oils, I have no more MANLY B.O. even after a yoga class or walking 3 miles in the Texas heat. Yes I do sweat, but sweating is good for us. It’s a form of detox. I don’t sweat as bad, but I still sweat. It’s AMAZING!
Hi Judith,
Thanks for the comment. I find that ACV works beautifully. It is amazing stuff, isn’t it?!? Glad you enjoyed Good Morning Texas! The recipes are here on a side box on this blog, and on my personal site: http://www.phebephillips.com. There was no time to get them set up as an individual post, so that is my weekend job. Hoping to have them set with photos in a few days.
A life with less chemicals is a fabulous thing!
With friendship,
I spent last week with my brother (who is fighting prostrate cancer) and my sister-in-law (who is a breast cancer survivor), both follow the Gerson Therapy and have been to the San Diego Clinic. I told them about ACV as a deodorant and then shared my coconut oil deodorant blend with them. They were amazed and delighted with both methods. We spent the week in Big Bend and at Lake Amistad where the temps were in the high 90’s. No smelly pits for us!
Hi Judith,
I am so happy word is getting around about ACV for deodorant. My husband grew up in Uvalde and went to college at Sul Ross. We know where Lake Amistad is, and yes it is hot. I wish people knew more about Dr. Max Gerson. His contribution to the cure of cancer is a gift. Sadly, most people are not open to receiving it.
With friendship,
Phoebe: This is so interesting. My granddaughter told me last week that she had started using the salt rock as her deodorant and was trying to stop using any kind of chemicals. I will give her your website. . Will tell her about the Apple Cider Vinegar. I already have a relationship with AVC as years ago, a young lady at a health food store gave me a recipe to mix for high cholesterol. I had just been put on medication for High Cholesterol and was inquiring at the store for something to take instead of taking the medication the dr. had prescribed. She gave me this recipe and said her mother had used it for years and had such success with lowering her cholesterol that her dr. had put all of his patients on this mixture. Mix 6 ounces of ACV with 1/2 cup honey, 32 ounces of Welch’s pure Grape Juice, and 64 ounces of pure apple juice. Keep in refrigerator and drink 1/2 cup per day. Works great!!!!!!
Hi Glenda,
Thank you so much for this comment. I hope readers look far enough down into these comments to see this. ACV is wonderful stuff! I would like to suggest for you to take a look, and be cautious of the sugar content on the juices. You may like the ACV with plain, filtered water. After all, it’s the ACV that’s the workhorse in this recipe. However, if it’s working for you, go for it…just watch the sugar.
With friendship,
Glenda and Phebe,
This tip seems Amazon ng. What do you suggest a person with diabetes takes instead of all the sweet stuf?
Hi Eve,
As you know I am not a doctor, but I can make a recommendation based on my work in the cafe at The Tree of Life Rejuvenation Center in Patagonia, Arizona. Their focus is reversing diabetes, and the food prepared for the cafe reflected that intent. We used the herb Stevia. the two brands I have in my home pantry are SweetLeaf and NuNaturals. I will say Stevia is an acquired taste.
We also used Xylitol. Personally, I do not care for it or use it. I find it to have a grainy texture in baked goods, and in quantities too high it will cause diarrhea. If you are a gum chewer the brand Spry uses an appropriate amount of Xylitol, and the gum is actually quite nice.
Since this specific post talks about Raw Unfiltered Apple Cider Vinegar, I would like to mention that studies have been done to prove that ACV taken in water before and during meals slows the rise of blood sugar. Please google search this information from reliable sources. Personally, I put 2 tablespoons Bragg Brand (available at Walmart) in one quart of water and drink it during the day.
Here are a few book author recommendations to read to help slow or possibly end your diabetes. Look at books written by: Dr. john McDougall, Dr. Neal Barnard and Dr. Dean Ornish. Watch the documentary Forks Over Knives. It can be found on NetFlix or streamed directly from the Forks Over Knives website.
With friendship,
I saw you on GMT and came to your site looking for the smoothie recipes. I just read in your comments where to find them. I tried the ACV and love it and have pass this info along to my daughters. My question is how can I eat vegan when eating out. I am successful at home, but I don’t know where to begin in restaurants. I know fruits and vegetables, but would like more options, especially with Mexican food. We are leaving for a 10 day vacation next week and I would love to know some yummy options. I love black beans. Can you advise me on how I can do this?
Hi Joni,
A very good question. It took us a while to figure this out. First, restaurants appear difficult to navigate, but it can be done. Mexican food is our favorite. So, we have begun to think of it as: “How can we get the flavors, without all the goop?” Guacamole, rice, beans, tortillas are always the go to. Think about it, it’s really the chips and salsa that set the tone. I sometimes order Guacamole, rice, beans and tortillas. I create my own soft tacos from these ingredients, and cover with salsa. Another option is vegetable enchiladas. Almost any place can make spinach, mushroom or mixed vegetables into an enchilada. Order with the tomatillo sauce. Usually tomatillo sauces is only tomato sauce with spices. Confirm that the sauce does not have meat. Things to look out for: 1) Ask if there is any dairy in the Guacamole. Sometimes restaurants will boost the Guacamole with dairy to extend the volume at a lower cost, so ask! If they say yes, then ask for the Avocado slices, and do it yourself. 2) Ask if the beans have lard. That is a BIG heart-unhealthy choice. If so, then substitute more Guacamole. 3) Every restaurant should have an assortment of vegetables on hand. Ask them to lightly sauté them without oil. I find asking for the veggies to be prepared w/o oil, is about right…usually there is oil remaining in the pan from a previous dish, so you don’t need the extra oil. I also love black beans, and many restaurants have the choice. So, the next time you are out, think about how to get the flavors. Guacamole and salsa make a tasty vegetable enchilada topping! Sometimes you may have to assemble your dish at the table.
I hope this is helpful. Let me know if you have any other questions.
With friendship,
Where do I purchase this? Whole Foods? I had to stop using antiperspirant because I was getting stopped up oil glands under my arms. Nodules are still there after many years. Maybe using this would help draw that oil out of them too. I’m anxious to try it.
Hi Carolyn,
Yes, any natural, organic store is going to have it.
Something that comes to mind for the clogged nodules is a quick process (one to two minutes), before getting in the shower, called Dry Skin Brushing. I do not have a post about it, but you can find info on the internet, and see demos on You Tube…although some are a bit goofy. I do this every morning. I think it would help eventually unclog the glands, and stimulate circulation, because you use quick, rapid brush strokes under the arms, and around the sides of the breasts, as you bring the brush strokes into your heart-center. You work up your whole body starting with the soles of your feet. The goal is to end all these upward strokes in your heart-center area. It stimulates lymph drainage, so I think it would help you. When you are in a store picking up the ACV, look for a dry skin brush. I have the brand Yerba Prima with a detachable handle. There are several brands to choose from, so buy the one you like. This brush never gets wet. It is not for use in the shower as a scrub brush. It is a Dry Skin Brush only.
Okay, Carolyn, I hope this was helpful.
With friendship,
Thank you so much for the info. I will definitely give dry brushing a try. They have always bugged me!
Hi Carolyn,
I hope it works. Let me know how it goes. Amy posted a comment below that may be helpful to you.
I also want to encourage everyone to stay up to date with doctor check ups if those nodules persist.
Guys, thanks for commenting on the blog!
With friendship,
I had problems with nodules and discovered that I was passing a skin infection from my hair follicules back and forth to each arm via my razor when I shaved. Bought some cheap razors and started shaving with a separate razor for each armpit and that solved the problem! I also threw away the razors after one shave. I only had to so this for about a month or so until the infection cleared up. Good luck!
Hi Amy,
Thank you so much for sharing this. Very helpful information!
With friendship,
I had to switch to clinical strength due to odor after becoming pregnant with my son. I’d like to know if cleaning with ACV then applying some natural antiperspirant / deodorant is ok? I don’t sweat too much, i dont sweat on my shirts, but there is an odor that makes me personally uncomfortable.
I started using apple cider vinegar around 2008 for a few years. It really worked! I tested it on a weekend and no one ever said I smelled like anything not even the vinegar! I use it for everything even dry scalp. One thing i want to say is idk about braggs , I’ve heard it’s good but I was already using another company. The main thing is they have to say raw organic unfiltered!!!!! Braggs says that! The one I buy says it, but there are A few that just say raw organic, or organic filtered, I tried one of those as deodorant one time and it Did not work, so please stick with braggs or other companies that say raw unfiltered organic, which have the mother ! Hope this helped someone.
Hi Melinda,
What an excellent comment. Thank you so much for writing. Yes, we only use Bragg Brand because it is Organic Raw Unfiltered. Here in the Texas heat, it works! We also add it to our water daily.
With friendship,
Hi! I just read this yesterday and ran to the store to get the ACV. I’m excited to try it. Can I put the vinegar in a spray bottle and spray it instead of using a cotton pad? Or even just apply it with my hands… Or is there a specific reason for using the cotton pad? Thanks!
Hi Bruna,
There is no specific reason for the cotton pads other than it works efficiently. Yes, you can use a spray bottle. I would suggest a glass, rather than plastic, bottle for keeping vinegar. Spritz the underarm, let it dry, then repeat. If you use your hands, you may have a lot of waste.
I’m happy you found my post.
Happy summer,
Thank you Phebe! Thanks for the reply! I’m very happy I found your blog! 🙂
Yes, I use glass bottles because of my EOs. I’ll start with the ACV tomorrow and let’s see how it works. I’ve been using it for my stomach issues, but I had never heard about this brand, and the mother, etc. well except for on Kombucha and such. Which is still alien to me. 😉
Have a great summer you too!
A friend recently told me about ACV and I started using it. It seems fantastic. I have been using another all natural product for years that is the best deodorant I have even used. That is moringa seed powder mixed with moringa oil. Moringa seed is naturally anti-biotic
and is used to purify water. I am most interested though to see how
the Bragg’s works. We all need to stop putting poison on our bodies. Thanks for the tip .
Hi Rodney,
Thanks for your comment. Yes, we do need to all stop putting poison on our bodies. The moringa oil is a great tip, also.
With friendship,
Thank you for this. I tried out the apple cider vinegar this weekend. It truly does work! Love it! My oldest daughter, 9 years old, just started to need something for body odor. I really did not want her wearing over the counter chemical concoctions under her little arms. So I had been saving to purchase items to make a natural deodorant spray for her; which was going to be on the expensive size for everything. So this is right on time. Today after church my husband and I purchased a purple spray bottle (Her favorite color, and the last one on the shelf.) and I made this for her. (We make a lot of things in our home from cleaners, to food, to beauty products so this was no surprise to her.) She is truly happy for this solution too. Thank you again.
For years I have had to change deodorants /antiperspirants constantly. They didn’t work. At the end of the day I still had underarm body odor. Annoying! I have been using Braggs ACV for the vinegar drink and just last week started using it as a deodorant. It works. I use it right out of the bottle. I am so happy to not have to use store bought chemical laden products! !
Hi Dora,
Thank you so much for this comment to the post. Bragg ACV does work. I carry a pre-soaked cosmetic pad with me to my workouts, and swipe under my arms afterward. The enzymes in the ACV digest any bad bacteria that could cause odor. It is so easy.
With friendship,
I never saw your website before. My arm pits were smelling really bad last week and I suddenly got the idea to fill a small plastic spray bottle with some Bragg’s Apple Cider vinegar. I sprayed 3 times under each arm pit. At first I didn’t like the smell of the apple cider, but it went away within an hour. It worked like magic–no smell–no matter what I did and it lasted until some time the next day. The reason our arm pits smell is because of bacteria. A deodorant will only try to mask smell with a fragrance but it will not get rid of the bacteria that causes the odor.
Hi there,
I am happy you found my blog and have found something that works.
Thank you I have been using this for 2 weeks now and not looking back…I am using omega nutrition brand as braggs is hard to find for me..
Hi Sylvie,
Thanks for letting me know how well ACV is working for you. Any brand is fine as long it is organic, raw and unfiltered.
I am so happy you found my blog post. ~~Phebe
Regular vinegar works great too. I’ve been using it for over 2 years and never looked back at purchasing deodorant. My cousin who is a chemist said I can add vanilla to give it a nice scent
Hi Niya,
I love the idea of adding vanilla. Thanks for sharing this idea in the comment section for others to read.
With friendship,
I have been using apple cider vinegar as a deodorant for about 6 months now. I is just regular vinegar. Not organic or anything. In fact I just looked at what I was using and it is Heinz. Works great.
Hi Valerie,
I am happy to hear this. The main intent is to use less chemicals on the body, so if what you are using is working, keep using it. I am delighted you emailed this very useful information.
With friendship,
Hi there! I have one question..does acv get rid of the darkness under your arms from shaving?
Hi Cheryl,
What an interesting question. I have no idea.
well done Phoebe spread the word this really works! here’s my uses: under arm deodorant, fixed my odor in couple of days I shake bottle and spray then wait to dry before get dressed; hair grow: must also stimulate by adding gentle area massage with your fingertips; mosquito bits: will have a slight delay but apply directly on skin even my kids who hate the smell appreciate the benefit; drink diluted on empty stomach and run for number II on a clock.
Make sure it’s Braggs I tested difference with Costco’s organic and it’s better.
Hi there,
Thanks for taking time to send me an email, and listing all the uses for ACV. I drink 2 tablespoons of Bragg in a quart of water daily. I think there should be an ACV revolution. Toxic chemicals are ruining our bodies and our Earth. I agree Bragg is hands-down the best brand. It’s the one in my house.
With friendship,
I’d discovered the deodorant I was relying on had hidden aluminum and so started looking for other options. I read that ACV could help with controlling armpit odour by controlling the bacteria feeding off sweat and causing the odour, so I started using the Bragg’s ACV I had at home two or three months back. I use it after I bathe, with a cotton pad, but I add a bit of water to the pad as using ACV straight makes my skin irritated and peel. I also apply a natural deodorant when it is hot or when I’m doing activities where odour might be a concern, though the couple I’m using now are ones I’ve used previously which sometimes failed to control odour as well as my old one.
I have really strong smelling odour if I sweat and don’t use the right deodorant, and many natural deodorants don’t work for me. Ever since I started using ACV after my shower, I’ve not had a single episode of smelly pits! I don’t think my pits are as sweaty either? And, after the first week, I don’t even use ACV every day, maybe a couple of times a week, or I even go a week or more without! I don’t use the natural deodorant every day either.
I didn’t really attribute the lack of odour to ACV as it was quite unbelievable this simple method could solve a problem so many products and brands out there are trying to address. I even told myself it was because the weather was cooler, but thinking back we did still have some hot days! Now that I’ve read your post, I realise I can probably rely on just ACV alone, so I’m going to try that out. I’m excited to see how well it will work! Thank you for your post, I think everyone should know about ACV as deodorant!
Sorry, just to correct the sentence above as it’s not clear: the couple I’m using now are ones I’ve used previously which sometimes failed to control odour as well as my old one that I’ve stopped using DID.
Hi Sky,
Thank you for taking time to share a wonderful message. I am sure my readers will enjoy reading these confirming words of your experience.
With friendship,
hi, good evening Phebe! I live here in the Philippines and it really is a tropical country. I sweat a lot and even after i shower no more than 30mins I already have a body odor. Its really embarrassing and frustrating, because literally i take a shower 2-3x a day and every time its like that. i tried different kinds of antiperspirant (deodorants are hard to find here) which i know is really bad but i’ve no choice. now, i have a big bottle of ACV in our fridge which i just used twice for cooking. so im gonna try this tonight, my concern is that it may have a tendency to dry my armpit. how and when can i put a moisturizer? please help thank you so much and more power!
Hi there,
Thank you for sending this email. I do have a few thoughts I can share. In my opinion, the Bragg Brand is the best, so I hope you start with that. ACV is very close in pH to your skin. That said, you should not have a drying out. Try it straight first. If you have just shaved under your arms, it will burn. If you have not shaved, then you should not feel anything.
If you do believe it is drying, dilute with water or green tea or chamomile tea.
Please email back and let me know how it works for you, and if you make adjustments by diluting.
I will post and also answer this email again in the comment section of the blog.
Thank you for taking time to email me.
With friendship,
Bragg makes a good product. However, for most purposes, including as a deodorant, I find zero difference between an expensive bottle of “raw organic” apple cider vinegar and the gallon jug I buy at the supermarket for less than half the cost.
Hi Bob,
That’s wonderful. I always encourage people to stick with what works for them. Thanks for contributing to this post.
With friendship,
Hi there, I just wanted to thank you for your article. Trying to find good information on the internet is becoming increasingly difficult! I get frustrated with the amount of people giving they’re opinion and and trying to act as though it is fact. Saying things like alluminium s safe and people who say otherwise are just scaremongers, saying things like the majority of people who use bicarb soda as deoderant get burned and cause injury (even as bad as 6 month hospitilization apparantly) Yet no evidence to support any claims other than “I have had a lot of emails about it”.
I just find it ironic that the people trying to spread the word (and thank you very much!) About all these different remedies give real information backed with sources and the industry funded scaremongers do nothing but spread misinformation and try and scare people off trying these new things.
Thankyou for your article and research.
Hi Ami,
Thank you for such a well thought out comment. I agree, I have heard and read many things that are solely scaremongering with absolutely no research or science to back it up. I like science, I went back to school for science. I need to see evidence, empirical data and proof that something has a backbone. Thanks for taking the time to send me this comment. It keeps me on my toes!
With friendship,
Ami and Phoebe,
Ami said:
“…saying things like the majority of people who use bicarb soda as deodorant get burned and cause injury (even as bad as 6 month hospitalization apparently) Yet no evidence to support any claims other than “I have had a lot of emails about it”. ”
As someone who has been trying to find a good reliable natural deodorant for almost a couple decades now, trying over 20+ kinds (from the health food store) in trial and error, I can attest that using Baking Soda under the arms can cause burns. For some people it is extremely harsh on the skin as as we sweat it just becomes worse. There was a natural deodorant I tried years ago, from a brand called LUSH, that relied on baking soda as the main odor fighter ingredient and it caused the skin on my pits to get raw spots that filled with pus. It was horrible. Burned like the Dickens. Going online I found that I wasn’t the only person experiencing this issue and the company that made the product eventually stopped selling it. I’ve found that over time I can’t use any baking soda based natural deodorants or the same thing happens again. It’s just a harsh ingredient for my skin. Thankfully if you look now , now that it’s years later in 2022, you’ll see many natural deodorant lines making baking soda free deodorants and some that rely on magnesium as the de-odorizer ingredient since it’s not so harsh on the skin. So, I guess, time will tell. Thanks for reading.
Thanks for your comment. This post is not about baking soda, it’s about using Raw Apple Cider Vinegar. All people need to personally choose what works best for them.
Hi, nothing’s ever worked well for me and I’m running out of options, so I wanna give this a try, if I use the ACV can I use regular deodorant on top? I’m scared I end up smelling even more
Hi there,
First, give the ACV a try without adding deodorant on top. You will not need it, and one of the reasons to use ACV is to remove products that add toxic chemicals into your body. In your case, make certain it is organic, raw and unfiltered. The reason is so the beneficial enzymes will not be diluted by heat from pasteurization. I want you to know that odor does not come out of your body. What we perceive as body odor is actually topical. It is bacteria digesting your own perspiration. That said, the ACV will kill off the bad bacteria that are digesting your perspiration. If you feel insecure about using ACV only once a day, saturate a second pad, place it in a baggie, and take it along with you for a second underarm swipe mid-day.
Another thing that could help you is try to wear tops that have natural fibers such as cotton. Interestingly, hemp fabric is actually antimicrobial. It can be worn for several days in the worst of conditions and will not create an odor. Tops that are mainly polyester hold odor. In fact they create their own bacteria from your perspiration and hold this smelly bacteria in microscopic pools between the polyester fibers. So, while you may not have an odor on your body, your polyester top is doing its own thing to create odor. For more on this, google “How Polyester Fabric Holds Odor.”
Thanks for commenting and please let me know how it goes.
With friendship,
I have rashes, pimples etc Doctor said it was an allergy, but I don’t know what I’m allergic too. Anyway tried to reduce toxic load and it cleared my skin no more pimples. So if you have pimples where the bra sits on the sides under the arms try ACV for deodorant and clean up the diet also try to get really simple moisturizes that don’t have many additives fragrance etc cause some of the moisturizers made the rash and pimples worse. Since making these changes my skin is almost pimple free (still get the occasional one when I eat processed food) and a rash I had on my arm for 8 years is finally healing.
Hi Anna,
What a lovely comment, and thank you for sharing your story. You are absolutely correct. Cleaning up your diet and lifestyle lends a lot of benefit. I also use moisturizers without fragrance or chemicals. I use the Weleda Brand created almost a century ago by Rudolf Steiner.
With friendship,
Love this.. I put my ACV in a spray bottle and it’s the best deodorant ever!!
Hi Carrie,
Thanks for taking a moment to reply. You have a terrific tip!
Recently trying this and after day two I got a bad case of stomach flu. Sorry if it’s tmi!!! But could the acv be causing this or maybe it’s just coincidence that I got a bad case of the runs? I really want to say it’s coincidence because this stuff really works!
Hi Gisela,
Your post made me giggle. You are very honest! I will say definitely coincidence. In fact, it would be good to put 2 tablespoons Bragg Brand ACV (or another good raw brand with the enzymes) into a quart of water to help re-balance your system. I drink this daily.
With friendship,
Applying ACV for arms is it okay to apply deodorant after it dries? i’m jst worried if that will give me the protection i need throgh the day
Hi Sara,
The idea of the ACV is to not use chemicals that are found in deodorants. Try ACV only for a few days, and see if you like the way it works.
Let me know.
it did’ not work very well for me in hot weather with pads so i now put it in a glass spray bottle and it works perfect
Hi David,
Yes, I have heard that using ACV in a glass spray bottle works very well. Thank for sharing this information. ~Phebe
Hi Dipok,
Thank you for sharing this information. ~~Phebe
Would it be fine if i use it before taking a shower?
Well, you could if you want to, but what’s the point?!? I think that approach would be a waste. Do you put on other deodorant and get in the shower?
I use Heinz distilled white vinegar diluted with equal parts water. Dab it on swab or tissue and wipe pits after morning shower. I also dab some on the underarm area of my shirt. Been doing this for a month now. Works great.
Thank you so much for sharing what’s working for you. And I’m happy to know you have reduced chemicals from your life. ~~Phebe
I have a lot of allergies and I have sensitive skin. I found this yesterday and started to use ACV today after my morning shower. It’s been about 3 hours since I showered and wiped ACV on my armpits and I can still smell the ACV, is it normal to still be able to smell it? I’m not a fan of the smell of ACV. I don’t smell any body odor so that’s a plus but ACV really smells weird to me.
Hi Lyndie,
Well, I am happy you found something that seems to be working for you. I have never had the issue of the smell remaining. It usually dissipates in a few minutes. Maybe try using a blow dryer just after application to dry the ACV faster. Please let me know how this works out for you long term.
With friendship,
This is an amazing blog, I like your blog.
Thank you for sharing us
Thanks. You’re welcome!
With friendship,
I was checking out some of the articles on your site & found your post about Deodorant.
Great Stuff!
I use a Nivea Fresh Ocean Deodorant it comes with the fresh aqua fragrance that helps you stay ahead in every venture by giving you long-lasting freshness.
Hi Oskar,
I have a cat named Oscar. Thanks for using my blog as advertising for your product. Now, please share my ACV post on your site, and we will call this win-win. People never cease to amaze me.
With friendship,
Hi! Great article! Actually, I’ve been using apple cider as my deo for about 4 months now. I’m just curious which method works better. Being diluted with water or not? I don’t have BO now but my pits are still sweaty lol My main concern is the smell.I don’t know why it smells like vinegar even after drying my pits. My husband always tells me that i smell like vinegar lol Could you give me some tips on how to lessen the smell? Thanks !
BTW,I’m using ACV from Japan. I tried using Bragg’s Apple Cider twice when i went back to the Philippines but didn’t really work at that time. I had a terrible BO throughout the day. I noticed that it’s stronger compared with japanese apple cider..
Hi there,
The vinegar smell should dissipate after a few minutes. Sometimes people can get a smell in their nose that will not go away. Smelling of coffee beans can clear that. This is my only suggestion. The Japanese ACV sounds interesting. I will check it out.
Wish I could be more help, ~~Phebe
Is the need to use the roll on deodorant after applying the ACV? I just started using the ACV today and am worried that the armpits start to stink at work during the day. Am in South Africa. I used raw unfiltered ACV not the bragg brand though.
Hi there,
There is no need to use a roll-on after applying ACV. The enzymes in the unfiltered vinegar should continue to digest the bad smelly bacteria.
If you are unsure, soak a cotton pad in ACV, and take it along to swipe again later in the day if you’re feeling uncomfortable.
When we travel for a few days, we carry pre-soaked cotton pads in a small Kerr/Ball jar or plastic baggie.
Hope this helps with your question.
With friendship,
After working out, do you need to apply the vinegar again? Currently, I only need to apply my salt spray deodorant once for my day.
Hi there,
That is a personal choice. If it’s not inconvenient, I probably would reapply.
I’ve been using acv as a deodorant for a couple of years now. I really like it but I’ve noticed lately that my T-shirts get a BO smell. My armpits are ok it’s just the clothes.
What can I do to stop this. It kind of defeats the purpose of using deodorant.
Hi There,
Try this…put an equal amount white vinegar and water in a spray bottle. Spritz the armpits of your T-shirts, then set the shirts aside for about an hour allowing the vinegar to soak in. Then wash the T-shirts as usual. Let me know if this works.
With friendship,
I recently purchased (bought it online) the acv that you recommended (Braggs) and it does work although I do have to reapply come midday. Another thing is I don’t see ´the mother’ anywhere . I’ve been drinking it with my water as well and there’s absolutely no sediments in my glass and I do shake the bottle before usage . Weird !!!!
Hi Melissa,
You should see a dark circle of sediment on the inside, bottom of the bottle at the time of purchase. If you don’t think it has that, then return it for another bottle, and check the sediment before purchasing.
Sometimes, especially in hot weather people do reapply. It is not an anti-perspirant…it is a deodorant.
With friendship,
The last few years I’ve used different combinations of oils (carrier & essential), baking soda (usually after the oil) and acv and found them all to be better than the natural deodorants. For me, since I have sensitive skin, switching seems to help.
My main reason for commenting was what I experienced after giving up market brands.
I actually had noticed with my right underarm, it seemed an odor was always present, even after showering and scrubbing. I’d wipe dry and a slight odor would then be on the towel.
I’d already switched to sea salt rather than table and had heard about the possible breast cancer association with alum deodorants.
Shortly after switching a thick dark brown (I’m white) layer formed under each arm. Kind of freaked me out. I kept with my routine and I would rub under my arms with my hands. The dark brown skin started sloughing off and sort of had a thick almost gelatinous feel.
It finally was gone but came back twice in a smaller layer under my right arm.
After the first year I haven’t ever experienced that again. I also rarely have odor, especially after a shower.
Thought I’d mention it in case it happens to someone else that switches. I was already in my early 50’s so the years of market deodorants could have been a factor that younger women won’t see. If you do experience similar, don’t give up. Maybe I dodged breast cancer.
Thanks for getting the word out.
Hi Tammy,
What a terrific story. I’m happy to document it here on the blog. Thanks for sharing.
With friendship,
Hey I read about your blog about acv as a deodorant and I have few questions. When applying acv in armpits do you need to rinse it after applying or just leave it and let it dry? Also, in reapplying acv do you need to rinse your armpits first if it has odor or is it ok to apply it right away?
Hi there,
For the first question, you apply it with a saturated cotton pad directly to the skin, and leave it. There’s no need to rinse or dilute.
For the second question, you don’t need to rinse your arm, you can once again reapply directly. If you are using an ACV with the ‘Mother” enzyme, the enzyme will digest the odor causing bacteria. But say you are going out to be at a party, you may want to rinse your skin then reapply ACV just be as fresh as possible.
Thank you for your post. I have had so much issues finding deodorants that dont irritate my skin. I have even tried natural but they all irritate my skin. My armpit skin has become dark. I hope acv works and I hope it lightens up my skin:) Do you think it will?
Hi Cristina,
Thanks for sending me this comment. I have heard that it may lighten skin, but every person is different. It’s not going to hurt to try.
With friendship,
After using acv on my armpit can I use soap when rinsing it off? Or just water?
Hi there,
Do nothing. Don’t rinse it off. Leave it on. ~~Phebe
Hello how are you doing?
I have a question please about the ACV, do I have to rinse the armpits with water before using it and also can I use the same pad for both armpits?
Hi Amina,
You do not need to rinse the armpits. The enzymes in the ACV will digest bacteria. You could carry a saturated pad in a baggie or jar, and use it directly after working out.
Yes, you can use the same pad. Saturate it well, and use only one pad for both arms.
Hope this helps,
With friendship,
Can I apply ACV before getting a mammogram done?
Hi Dawn,
I hope I’m not too late in this reply. I would not apply anything before a mammogram.
With friendship,
True Peace to All, Bragg’s Apple Cider is excellent to use. also on the cheap you can use lime juice in a little spray bottle with an essential oil of your liking. or just by itself. everyone have a positive and peaceful existence here on Mother G-eartha Goddess Earth.
Thanks for sharing! ~~Phebe
You are so right!!