It’s time, my friend…it’s time to make the Elderberry syrup! You’re around a lot more people than usual, you’re out shopping; waiters work even when sick during this high-tip period. It’s up to you to boost your natural immunity. You need to learn to make this Elderberry Syrup recipe. It’s easy!
Grab a saucepan, toss in the ingredients, and simmer for about 45 minutes. Your house will smell awesome, and when you go for a visit, or have visitors instead of taking or sending friends home with cookies, send them with a bottle of freshly made Elderberry Syrup.
The Quick and Simple Recipe (below) is the easiest. For those near a Natural Grocer, they usually have Dried Organic Elderberries in stock. You only need one cup of these dried Elderberries per serving. I have online links below, just make sure they are organic.
I have two recipes for you. If you make either of these recipes you could boost your immunity, or if you’re sick you could feel better. Elderberry syrup is an old remedy proven to offer cold and flu relief. One clear fact… your house will smell fabulous.
Recipe One is a quick and simple recipe from one of my favorite bloggers Wellness Mama. This is the recipe I make most often.
Recipe Two is deliciously extravagant. It’s from the blog of Mountain Rose Herbs where I purchase a lot of items we use. This is the recipe to indulge yourself, or give as gifts. However, in their blog you will find a simple classic recipe like the one from Wellness Mama. It’s their second recipe, Elderberry Syrup Cockaigne that’s over-the-top decadent.
Although links are attached, you may also find ingredients at most natural food stores.
A Quick and Simple Elderberry Syrup Recipe
From the blog of Wellness Mama
The Ingredient List
2/3 – 1 cup Organic Dried Elderberries
3 1/2 cups water
1 organic Cinnamon Stick, or 1 heaped teaspoon Ground Cinnamon
1 heaped teaspoon fresh grated organic ginger or organic Dried Ginger Powder.
Raw local honey
The Preparation Method
- Combine the berries, herbs and water in a pot and bring to a high boil.
- Reduce heat, cover and simmer for 40 minutes, or until original volume is about half reduced.
- Remove from the heat and mash the berries in the liquid mixture.
- Strain the mixture, squeezing and pressing out the juice.
- While still warm measure the liquid and add an equal amount of good local honey.
- Stir until well combined.
- Bottle in a clean glass jar, and refrigerate.
This mixture should keep refrigerated for up to three months (if it lasts that long). Take 1 tablespoon daily to ward off colds and build immunity. If sick, take 1 tablespoon every two-to-three hours. For a child use 1 teaspoon, and read the Wellness Mama Blog linked above.
Decadent Elderberry Syrup Cockaigne
From the Blog of Mountain Rose Herbs
The Ingredient List
1 cup Organic Dried Elderberries If Mountain Rose is out-of-stock, another good source is Frontier Co-Op.
1 teaspoon organic Cinnamon Chips or 2 Cinnamon Sticks
1 teaspoon organic Whole Cloves
1 teaspoon organic Ginger (powder or root) or 2 Tablespoons grated Fresh Ginger
1 tablespoon dried organic Orange Peel or 1/4 cup Fresh Orange Peel
1 tablespoon dried organic Bitter Orange Peel
1 tablespoon organic dried Wild Cherry Bark
1 tablespoon organic dried rosehips
10 whole organic Cardamom Pods
4-5 cups water
The Preparation Method
- Combine the berries, herbs and water in a pot and bring to a high boil.
- Reduce heat and simmer for 40 minutes, or until original volume is about half reduced.
- Remove from the heat and mash the berries in the liquid mixture.
- Strain the mixture, squeezing out the juice.
- While still warm measure the liquid and add an equal amount of good local honey.
- Stir until well combined.
- Bottle in a clean glass jar, and refrigerate.
This mixture should keep refrigerated for up to three months (if it lasts that long). Take 1 tablespoon daily to ward off colds and build immunity. If sick, take 1 tablespoon every two-to-three hours. For a child use 1 teaspoon, and read the Wellness Mama Blog linked above.
Happy Thanksgiving!
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Phebe Phillips lives in Dallas, Texas
Any sources in Dallas for elderberries in Dallas. Both of your sources are out of stock.
Hi Linda,
Most natural food stores should have them, although they do sell out quickly this time of year. I did check with Mountain Rose, and they had stock before I sent the post. You can always do a google search, just make certain they are dried and organic. Frontier Co-Op is also a good resource.
Hope this helps, ~~Phebe