Poodle Henry Franklin Hargrove
April 22, 2004 – July 24, 2017
We are heartbroken to say goodbye to Poodle Henry. Words cannot describe the joy he brought to our lives. It was an honor to live with such a grand being.
He left this life adorned in flowers from the Indian Temple at Kalachandji’s in East Dallas. Holy dust from the Holiest Site in India was placed on his head. Holy water from another site in India and Tulsi Leaves were placed in his mouth. His body was sprinkled with Frankincense Oil.
He was very robust, but in the last three weeks his body was ravaged by a sudden, aggressive intestinal lymphoma.
He had quite a life. He ran on the red dirt road at the farm, upstaged models on the runway at Neiman Marcus, posed with people at my toy signing events, knew his right from his left, not once did he ever potty in the house…not once, and was an all around good guy.
Mac and I are fortunate that he serendipitously happened into our lives thirteen years ago. We will talk about him for the remainder of our lives.
When cell phones developed good cameras, Henry’s life became a photo journal. He was fabulously photogenic…and if I see you, I apologize now for wearing you out with stories about a very grand poodle I once knew.

A Poodle, A Santa and An Angel.

A very pointed profile. (Photo taken by Mike)

Poodle Henry came to us from Janet and Allen Kingsley and Luann Wilkinson when he was four-months-old. I had always been fond of standard poodles because customers would bring their poodles to see me at Neiman Marcus toy signings. We decided a standard poodle was the closest thing we could come to for a child. For thirteen-and-a half-years Henry was the best child anyone could ask for.
Daily as I reached for his leash, I would say to him, “Come on Lovey, let’s go.”
ADDITION….Two Days Later, on Wednesday Evening July 26, Mac and I were having dinner on the outside patio of The Leaning Pear in Wimberley, Texas. We were weepy and talking about Henry. We look up, and with few clouds and no rain, a Double Rainbow was directly beside us. Other diners were coming out taking photos, and oohing and aahing. We looked at each other, and without saying a word knew our boy did that for us. He’s good, and we need to stop crying.

I can completely understand your feelings. We lost many a companion too. We feel their soul have left. It’s so difficult to feel their loss. May your days be filled with beautiful memories of him.
Ceil, Thank you, thank you, thank you. Love ~P
Henry’s spirit will always be with all who loved him. Just “Be Still” and you will feel him. So sorry for your family’s loss.
Hi Pamela,
Thank you so much. I like “Be Still”. Very true!
With friendship,
Just hold on to his memories
Hi Ceil,
We will. It’s so sad to have this path end.
With friendship,
My dear Phebe – you could never wear your friends out with you love. Love, is love, is love, is love. You were able to love Henry and Mac and Henry was able to love you and Mac. So wonderful to feel love in all its forms of creation. I am saddened for you both as you grieve and applaud your chronology of Henry’s time with you. Be Blessed! love always and everywhere . . .
Hi Laura,
Oh my, he was so loved. We’ve had to sleep with a dish towel because Kleenex is not enough. Thank you so much for your thoughts and prayers.
With friendship,
I am so sorry for your loss. Poodle Henry was a special boy. He was handsome beyond belief with a special talent for making great photographs. He always seemed really happy to be photographed. I always looked at Henry when his photos appeared. I know you will miss him, it is a terrible loss. He will always be beside you. When you think of home, he will be there. I will offer a prayer for you and Mike, and Henry. RIP, handsome Henry.
Hi George,
Thank you so much. He did love the camera and always had a smile. It was very funny and entertaining. Thank you for your prayers. We will take all we can get.
With friendship,
I am so sorry for your loss. My husband and I rescue and it is never easy to say good by to these sweet beings who come into our lives. I loved the pictures you shared. What a loved and spoiled grand being he was. How blessed to have had him in your life.
Hi Katie,
He was very loved and very spoiled. We wouldn’t have it any other way. Thank you so much for your sweet words.
With friendship,
My heart goes out to you. It is a wonderful life to be loved by a dog.
Hi Molly,
It truly is a wonderful life to be loved by a dog.
With friendship,
My deepest condolences. I too know the loss you are feeling. My loving companion through some illnesses finally had to on to her next adventure and i stillmiss her and grieve from time to time, bht the memory will alwsys be with you. Thank you for sharing. You are in my prayers. Love, Paul
Rev. Paul,
Thank you for your thoughts and prayers. Only people whom have been so loved can truly understand. As I told Karen in the above message…I miss seeing you.
Much Love,
Dear Phebe and Mac:
I’m so very sorry for your loss of dear Poodle Henry. Thank you for such a beautiful and touching photo memorial of his sweet, wonderful life.
He is ever present with you both.
Love, Karen from NJ
Hi Karen,
Thank you so much for these sweet words. I miss seeing you in Boerne.
Love, Love ~ Phebe
I didn’t even know Henry, and I am sitting here crying as I looked at your photographs and read the captions. It is apparent how much you loved and treasured him. It is also apparent that he loved and treasured you, as well. May he rest in peace and may you be comforted by his sweet memories.
Hi Cynthia,
Thank you so much for taking the time to leave this comment. It is beautiful to read. Henry was wonderful, and deserving of tears.
With friendship,
Henry is beautiful in everyway and you were a wonderful, caring parent who make his life special! Thanks for the fairy tale story!
Hi Cathy,
We did have a fairytale life with him.
With friendship,
Dear Mac and Phebe,
Jim and I feel honored to have known Poodle Henry.
My, what a handsome, playful and touching Spirit he was, and is!
We share your loss with sadness, for his passing, and we share your joy for having him in our lives, if only for an evening for us.
Enjoy the memories with Henry…they’ll be good companions.
Hi guys,
Thank you so much for these sweet words. I am happy I took so many photos.
Much Love,
Thank you for posting the loving tribute to Henry. I am so sorry for your loss. As I look at my Rudolph, Rudy as I call him I am so thankful for the fact he is with me. I love him beyond words. I worry when that day will come when I have him not any longer. I feel your pain. Again thank you for sharing the pictures and the words of love. Standard Poodles are just amazing.
Hi Constance,
Yes, Standard Poodle are amazing. Time goes quickly, so take lots of photos and hold him tight.
With friendship,
Our friend, Dr. Rob Henderson, told us about the recent loss of your dearly beloved Poodle Henry, and I write to offer our condolences. Robert and I said farewell to his Norfolk Terrier Buster about a year ago, and we are not through with grieving for him yet. How our pets do work their way into our hearts, don;t they?
Terry Roper and Robert Churchill
Hi Terry, Hi Robert,
It is terrible. Yesterday I edited my bio to remove the part that reads about living with Henry, “Phebe lives in Dallas with her husband, Mac and their silver standard poodle Henry.” I took, “and their…” out of the body of text, then looked at it. I put it back in, then took it out, again. I thought what does it hurt to leave Henry in the bio. I made a pot of green tea. I looked at it again. Then I thought anytime someone asks about Henry I will have to explain. So, I once again removed his name from my bio. It’s kinda numbing. It seems like such a little thing, yet it’s numbing, and it ate up most of the energy of the afternoon.
With friendship,
It’s Marsha, I see your beautiful boy and so sort he is gone. Seems he had a fantastic life with you guys. Glad he inspired the poodle line. Blessings to you.
Hi Marsha,
Thanks for those kind words.
With friendship,