I think a lot about how to live a meaningful, less cluttered life, with more quality, meaning and significance. One very simple way to introduce the idea of less stuff in your life is to start with the towels. There was a time when we had a whole pantry of towels…a whole pantry for two people! I read an article about how animal shelters, and vet clinics could always use donated towels. So, we began there…two hefty bags later, we created more shelf space, and some puppies got to use those towels. Today, Mac and I each have one very well crafted bath towel, and one extra towel for backup. We also have twenty-four wash cloths that we fold, and use as bathroom hand towels. Other than our kitchen towels, that’s it.
So, start with the towels! The SPCA, or any shelter, or vet of your choice would welcome them.
Here are two bloggers I follow on FaceBook, and subscribe to their posts; The Minimalists (you may have heard them on NPR), and Becoming Minimalist. If you have any interest in creating even a hint of a more simple life, their writings should inspire you.
Phebe Phillips lives in Dallas, Texas. Visit her website at www.phebephillips.com.
IttyBittyfoodies mama says
Phebes – I’m reading the Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up. Fantastic book!
Phebe Phillips says
Hi Cheryl,
This sounds like a very good book. I will check it out. Glad you, and your family, are back home safely.
With friendship,
Chelsea says
Great idea, Phebe! I lived in a ~420 sq ft loft with my husband until a few weeks ago. One of the first things we downsized was our towels (2 each, as you suggested).
I didn’t know, however, that we could donate the towels to the animal shelter. Excellent suggestion!
Phebe Phillips says
Hi Chelsea,
Thank you for sharing. We live in around 1000 sq ft. It’s amazing how much space you can create when you only keep what you need, use, and love. Towels are an excellent place to begin…they take up so much room. I have never been declined with my donations to animal shelters.
With friendship,
Henry says
Thanks for the tip! It made me access our towels! Give the pups some new, our older ,towels, and the rest went to our vet! They were sure happy to get them. Small clinic, one man show. But if he would not have needed them, on to pet rescue! Thanks again! Keep us simplifying, and giving to those that need. Can’t help anyone if you have it stuffed In a closet!
Phebe Phillips says
That is awesome!!! I know the vet, and the pets were really happy to get them.
With friendship,